On January 17, 2019, Dr. Robert Fuentes, member of the Chapkin lab competed in the Annual College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences Trainee Research Symposium.
Promising graduate and postdoctoral students shared with a community of researchers the projects they’ve been conducting during the one-day symposium in the Veterinary & Biomedical Education Complex (VBEC).
The annual Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Research Symposium included platform presentations, flash talks (a three-minute synthesis of a poster presentation) and poster presentations representing a plethora of research areas across all of the CVM departments.
Fuentes was awarded top honors for his abstract titled, “Remodeling of Plasma Membrane Proteolipid Composition by Environmental Chemicals and Membrane-Targeted Dietary Bioactives“ in the following categories:
Flash Talks: First Place
Flash Talks: People’s Choice
Postdoc Poster Presentation: First Place