Dr. Davidson is a Research Scientist and Chapkin Lab Manager

B.S., University of California, Davis, Biochemistry, 1982
Ph.D., University of California, Davis, Nutrition and Physiological Chemistry, 1987
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Davis, Nutrition and Molecular Biology, 1987-1988
Postdoctoral Fellow, Texas A&M University, Nutritional Biochemistry, 1988-1992
I have been a member of Chapkin Lab since 1992. My current role is scientist, mentor, and lab mom. One of my most exciting projects has been developing non-invasive technology to examine gene expression from colonocytes by isolating mRNA from fecal samples. This is a powerful technology that allows sampling over time and allows us to study populations that cannot typically be biopsied (infants). We have employed this patented technology in humans, mice, piglets and horses.
I am also involved in a variety of projects studying the carcinogenesis process in colonic stem cells using 3-D cell culture (organoids) and a variety of genetic mouse models. We employ CRISPR knock-outs as well as tissue-specific knock out mouse models to examine the role of:
o The aryl hydrocarbon receptor in colon cancer development
o The role of nutritional bioactive compounds on colon cancer prevention
o The role of stem cells in colon cancer development